Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Most of the members of the team have a teaching position (192 hours a year) in Université de Lorraine.

Fatiha Alabau has a full time full professor position in the University of Metz;

Xavier Antoine has a full time full professor position at INPL;

Thomas Chambrion has a full time associate professor position at ESSTIN;

Antoine Henrot has a full time full professor position at INPL;

Bruno Pinçon has a full time associate professor position at ESIAL;

Lionel Rosier has a full time full professor position at ESSTIN;

Jean-François Scheid has a full time associate professor position at ESIAL;

Marius Tucsnak has a full time full professor position at UHP;

Julie Valein has a full time associate professor position at ESSTIN.


  • PhD : [11] Ghislain HAINE, “Observateurs en dimension infinie. Application à l'étude de quelques problèmes inverses”, Université de Lorraine, October 22, 2012. Supervisor: Karim Ramdani.

  • PhD: Jérôme Lohéac, “Contrôle en temps optimal et nage à bas nombre de Reynolds”, Université de Lorraine, December 6th, 2012. Supervisors: Marius Tucsnak and Jean-François Scheid (IECN and EPI Corida).

  • PhD in progress : Tatiana Manrique, “Stratégies efficaces pour la commande de véhicules hybrides”, Université de Lorraine. Supervisors: Gilles Millerioux (CRAN, Université de Lorraine) and Thomas Chambrion (IECN and EPI Corida).

  • PhD in progress: Chi Ting Wu, title not available yet, Université de Lorraine. Supervisors: Marius Tucsnak and Julie Valein (IECN and EPI Corida).